Transcultural Consulting
Consulting, research and articles
Report prepared for the Council of Europe with experts of the COMMIT Community Media Institute in Austria
The role played by media in framing the public debate on migration, with often divisive narratives that focus on the threats that refugees and migrants can pose to the security, welfare and cultures of European societies, has attracted much attention in political and academic circles. Ongoing efforts to properly equip and prepare journalists for the challenging task of contextualised and evidence-based reporting on this complex topic are essential. It is equally vital, however, to ensure that sufficient opportunities are provided to migrants and refugees themselves to develop their independent voices and make them heard in public debate.
Good practice examples show how community media can meet these needs by offering training and spaces for self-representation, and by offering points of entry into local networks. Community media and their bottom-up approach to content production also contribute to a multilingual media environment that reflects the diversity of European societies and includes marginalised communities as respected part of audiences.
Community Media
CoE Community Media fact sheet and resource page
Are you looking for a concise and comprehensive overview of what Community Media do and stand for? Do you need references to international Freedom of Expression standards in support of Community Media? Are you asked to refer to studies and reports showing how Community Media support media and information literacy, social inclusion and intercultural dialogue?
Then the Council of Europe THEMATIC LEAFLET and dedicated WEBPAGE on Community Media, co-developed by CMFE, are there for you!
They are available in English and French. If you or your organisation are interested in helping us create further language versions, please get in touch.
Media and Information Literacy
Media Literacy for All - Supporting marginalised groups through Community Media
This background paper explores how the community media sector promotes media literacy and how this work can strengthen marginalised communities’ participation in the media environment and public discourse. Comparing five models of community media from Cyprus, Ireland, Luxembourg, Spain and the United Kingdom, it seeks to inform and inspire practitioners and policy-makers, highlighting a number of findings and policy responses that can help Council of Europe member States fully realise the potential of community media.
The paper was prepared for the Cyprus 2020 Council of Europe Ministerial Conference "Artificial Intelligence – Intelligent Politics. Challenges and opportunities for media and democracy".