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Workshops and training

Gender equality

Study visit and Workshop in Tunis for journalists from Algeria, Lebanon and Morocco on promoting freedom of expression and a positive role for the media in combating gender stereotypes and violence against women. Organised by the Council of Europe in cooperation with the Syndicat National des Journalistes Tunisiens (SNJT), in the context of the South Programme III - Ensuring Sustainable Democratic Governance and Human Rights in the Southern Mediterranean.

Inclusion and Diversity

The good practices and feedback collected during the media literacy workshops of the Media Against Hate Campaign all pointed to inclusion as one of the best strategies to prevent hate speech and discrimination.

This training module is based on the three international media literacy workshops that took place in 2017 (in Austria, Poland and Germany), organised by CMFE and COMMIT. The workshops addressed the topics of: Inclusive approaches to storytelling; freedom of expression and the respect of human rights – where are the boundaries and what is hate speech?; Creating hate-free media environments for young people – platforms and literacy skills.


Transcultural competencies

New Neighbours is about people who had to leave their home and try to integrate into a new neighbourhood, new village, new city, new society. Community Media empower the „New Neighbours“ and provide them a place to develop their independent voices and make them heard in public debate. A small group of community media producers and coordinators from all over the Europe met in Siena (Italy) to share what has worked well in their intercultural work/programs so far, what is needed to make the programs more sustainable / visible, and to jointly develop some creative ideas for new outreach initiatives on a grass-roots level. This seminar was organized by Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) and is funded by the European Union’s Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

Freedom of Expression

Special Focus Workshop at RadioDays Europe 2019

Across Generations – Social engagement through local community radios

The Council of Europe report Across Generations explores how community radios can serve as an antidote to social fragmentation and strengthen cross-generational debate and engagement. Especially in rural and peripheral areas, community radios fill a gap as meeting places for youth, students and older generations and act as catalysts of regional sustainable development.

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